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2011-10-20 Aankomst twee containers in Wa, Ghana

Aankomst twee containers in Wa, Ghana

Na voorziening van de school in Zebilla, Ghana, was er nog zoveel schoolmeubilair van het Baarnsch Lyceum en computerapparatuur over dat er nog twee containers naar een andere school van dezelfde broeders FIC in Ghana verstuurd konden worden, dit mede door de grote opbrengst van de fundraisingsacties.

Naast de container naar Zebilla, zijn nu ook de twee containers met schoolmeubilair van het Baarnsch Lyceum en computerapparatuur op 4 oktober 2011 in goede orde in Wa, eveneens Ghana, aangekomen. De verscheping en het containervervoer werden mede mogelijk gemaakt door de acties Wijn voor Scholing en het €5-diner.

Wij danken de sponsors die dit mogelijk maakten.

Bijgaand de bedankbrief en enkele foto’s.




Dear members of Rotary Club Amersfoort-Regio,

On behalf of the students and staff of the FIC St. Louis school and on my own behalf I wish to thank you sincerely for your beautiful donations to the school in the form of computers and furniture through the two containers which we took delivery of on 4th October 2011. The content in both containers A/nu 119975 and A/nu 387907 are as follows:

Container A/nu 119975

Student tables 178

Student chairs 173

Student chair legs 39

Student chair seat 46

Teachers tables 1

T-shirts 24

Computers 45

Container A/ nu 387907

Student tables 170

Student chairs 207

Chair legs 62

Seats 56

Teachers tables 6

It was difficult for us to off-load them and we had to employ the ‘Zoom lion’ department to assist us. One of the containers fell sideways and we had to lift it up. Fortunately we off-loaded the goods before dropping the containers and then reloaded them because we do not have a room to put them in as at now.

We cannot fully express our gratefulness to you on this medium. As at now we can comfortably be proud of enough furniture for the school from primary four to six. Our share in the computers will help us start our first computer lab. Thanks a lot.

May the Good Lord continue to provide you the means to keep helping worthy projects in Ghana and beyond.

Best regards,

By bro. Isidore Aabeisie (Headmaster)

PS: Some photos have been attached for your viewing.

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