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Stop cervical cancer

In Maart 2025 gaan wij 10.000 km rijden van Nederland naar Bangladesh, met als doel om 500.000 euro op te halen ter preventie van baarmoederhalskanker.

We zijn live met het platform. Doneren wordt ontzettend gewaardeerd.

Stop Cervical Cancer in Bangladesh, Save Women's Life

Hello everyone, I am Motalib Weijters and since 2013 we have been fighting cervical cancer in Bangladesh with the SLOPB Foundation. To date, we have helped more than 20,000 women and we now want to tackle this on a larger scale. We use the VIA method developed by Professor Lex Peters (R.I.P). Our goal is to screen 75,000 women and treat approximately 1,500 women in 5 different hospitals.

To accomplish our target we (influencer Govert Sweep, and Motalib Weijters ) are setting up an International Fund Raising Campaign to raise €500.000. Govert and me will be driving with a truck with medical equipment from the Netherlands to Bangladesh and encourage everybody on our route to contribute to this fantastic project. This project is powered by Rotary. Big sponsors can put their logo on our truck. We will have a lot of media coverage and we have 3 sponsor packages. Contact us for the terms.

Big or small, we need your support in Saving Women's Life.