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TRF Cadre

The Rotary Foundation Cadre of Technical Advisers is a group of volunteer Rotarians who provide technical expertise and advice to Rotarians planning and carrying out Rotary grant projects around the world.


What we do

Cadre members review, monitor, and evaluate projects and ensure grant funds are being used properly. Our assignments include:

  • Technical reviews. Cadre members evaluate the technical feasibility of a project and submit a written evaluation. Reviewers don’t travel or communicate with the project sponsors.
  • Site visits. An advance site visitor evaluates the technical feasibility of a proposed project. An interim monitor reports on the implementation of an ongoing project. A post project monitor evaluates the impact and resolution of a completed project. For these assignments, cadre members travel to the project site and meet with the project sponsors and the benefiting community.
  • Audits. Auditors evaluate the financial management and oversight of grant funds. Audits can be targeted or random. Cadre members travel to the project site and meet with the project sponsors and the benefiting community.
  • Operational audits. Cadre members assess the controls grant sponsors have to ensure qualification. This involves evaluating financial books, records, and documentation.

Cadre accomplishments in 2018-19

This past Rotary year was a busy one for the Cadre program. Cadre members completed more assignments than ever while also developing the new long-term plan. We collaborated on Rotary initiatives including participating in Rotary’s grant model evaluation, visiting Rotary Peace Centers, and reviewing the Rotary-USAID Partnership and WASH in Schools Target Challenge projects.

2018-19 key numbers

  • 363 Cadre assignments
    • 223 site visits
    • 140 other reviews
  • $21.9 million in Foundation awards evaluated (of $57.8 million in total project funding)

Cadre member Kundleshwar Panigrahi visits a watershed development project in Maharashtra, India. The project helps farmers conserve water and improve crop yields.

Rotarian Bakshi Narendra Pal Singh, the primary contact on the same grant project, visits farmers who are learning advanced methods of rice cultivation.

Cadre reorganization

One strategic change at the Cadre is the reorganization of our members into two teams: an evaluation and audit team and a grant planning resource team.

The evaluation and audit team has our financial auditors and those who have professional skills and technical expertise in an area of focus. Members of this team will help plan projects and carry out site visits and audits on the Foundation’s behalf.

The new grant planning resource team’s members have experience writing and implementing Rotary grants or professional backgrounds in community or international development. This team – which will be more active at the club and district level than the evaluation and audit team - encourages members to use the Cadre as a project planning resource and promotes the best practices to achieve high-quality, sustainable results.