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Rotary afkortingen

Gehanteerde afkortingen binnen Rotary

3H        Health, Hunger and Humanity

AAM     Additional Active Member

ADG     Assistant District Governor

AM       Active Member

ANZO   Rotary Region consisting of Australia, New Zealand and other places not included in any other region

ASIA     Rotary Region consisting of Asia

AusAid  (Formerly AIDAB) Australian International Development Assistance Bureau

ARHRF Australian Rotary Health Research Fund

AVAC   Australian Vocational Advisory Committee

CATS    Challenging All To Succeed

CEEMA Rotary Region consisting of Continental European, Eastern Mediterranean and African Zone

CICO    Club Internet Communication Officer

COL      Council on Legislation

D          District

DG       District Governor

DGN     District Governor Nominee

DGE     District Governor Elect

DGND   District Governor Designate

DICO    District Internet Communication Officer

DIK       Donations in Kind

DLP      District Leadership Plan

DMDC   District Membership Development Chairs

DPFC   District Permanent Fund Chairperson

DRFC   District Rotary Foundation Committee

DRR     District Rotaract Representative

EEMA   CEEMA + Great Britain & Ireland

FAIM    Fourth Avenue (of service) In Motion (Now RAWCS)

GBI       Rotary Region consisting of Great Britain and Ireland

GETS   Governor Elect Training Seminar

GSE     Group Study Exchange

GYE     Global Youth Exchange

IAS       International Ambassadorial Scholarship

IC         International Conventions (IC13 = Lisbon, etc.)

ICC       InterCountry Committees

ICO       Internet Communications Officers

ICUFR   International Computer Users Fellowship of Rotarians

IFCR     International Fellowship of Cricketing Rotarians

IFFR     International Fellowship of Flying Rotarians

IFR       International Fellowship of Rotarians

IFSR     International Fellowship of Skiing Rotarians

IFYR     International Fellowship of Yachting Rotarians

IPAC     International Projects Advisory Committee

IPF       Indicative Planning Figure

IPP       Immediate Past President

LCS      Low Cost Shelters

MD       Matched District

MOP     Manual Of Procedure

MSE     Matched Student Exchange

MUNA   Model United Nations Assembly

NCC     National Co-ordinating Committee

NYSF   (Formerly NSSS) National Youth Science Forum

NPC2 National Polio Committee

OD       Official Directory of Rotary International

PACE   Pacific-Australia Cultural Exchange

P          President

PDG     Past District Governor

PE        President Elect

PETS    Presidents-Elect Training Seminar

PHF      Paul Harris Fellow

PHSM   Paul Harris Sustaining Member

PN        President Nominee

POLIOPLUS  The program of The Rotary Foundation to immunize the children of the world against poliomyelitis

PP        Past President

PPE     Preserve Planet Earth

PR        Public Relations

PRID     Past Rotary International Director

PRIP    Past Rotary International President

PRIT     Past Rotary International Treasurer

PROBUS  Professional and Business Club

PSM     Past Service Member

RAG    Rotarian Action Group www.actiongrouphistory.org

RAOAF Rotary Australia Overseas Aid Fund

RAWCS Rotary Australia World Community Service

RBL      Rotary Basic Library

RC       Rotary Club

RCC     Rotary Community Corps

RCP     Rotary Code of Policies

RD        Rotary District

RDU     Rotary Down Under

RFE      Rotary Friendship Exchange

RGHF   Rotary Global History***

RGHF Abbreviations:
RGHF Rotary Global History Fellowship 
REC RGHF Executive Committee
RB RGHF Board Members
RGC RGHF Global Chairs (RGHF regional management)
RZB RGHF Zone Board Members (RGHF zone administration)
RDC RGHF District Coordinators (report to RGHF zone board members for 1 or more districts)

RHHIF   Rotary Heritage and History International Fellowship***

RI         Rotary International

RIBI      Rotary International in Great Britain & Ireland

RID       Rotary International Director

RIP       Rotary International President

RIPE    Rotary International President Elect

RIPN    Rotary International President Nominee

RIPPR  Rotary Int'l President's Personal Representative

RIPS     Rotary International Population Summit

RITE     Rotary Inter-country Teacher Exchange

RITS     Rotary International Travel Service

RLI Rotary Leadership Institute

ROAR   Rotary Organization of Amateur Radio

ROSE   Rotary Overseas Summer Exchange

ROTA   Rotary Overseas Travel Fund

ROTA (also) Reach out to Africa

ROTEX  Organization of Ex-Rotary Exchange Students

ROTI     Rotarians On The Internet

ROVE   Rotary Overseas Vocational Exchange

RRFC   Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator

RRVF   Rotary Recreational & Vocational Fellowship

Rtn       Rotarian

RV        Rotary Volunteers

RVC     Rotary Village Corps

RYE     Rotary Youth Exchange

RYLA    Rotary Youth Leadership Award

RYPEN Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment

RYSAP Rotary Youth Self Achievement Program

SACAMA  Rotary Region consisting of South America (except Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana), Central America, Mexico, and the Spanish-speaking island nations of the Caribbean (except Puerto Rico)

SAM     Senior Active Member

SEP     Study Exchange Program

SETS    Secretary-Elect Training Seminar

SWSL   Save Water Save Lives

TR        The Rotarian

TRF      The Rotary Foundation

UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Org.

UNFPA United Nations Population Fund

USCB   Rotary Region consisting of United States of America, Canada, Bermuda and Puerto Rico

WCS    World Community Service

WCSRN World Community Service Resource Network

YEO     Youth Exchange Officer

YEP     Youth Exchange Program

YIR       Yours in Rotary