Wil je meer weten over Rotary PolioPlus activiteiten in District 1560? Neem dan contact op met de voorzitter van D.1560 POLIOCOMITÉ : Karin de Jager - van Seters, lid van RC Haaksbergen.
24 October is World Polio Day!
World Polio Day is a time for Rotarians all over the world to raise awareness about our efforts to eradicate polio for good. Last year, Rotarians hosted more than 4,000 World Polio Day events in 90 countries. Let’s plan even more events this year to let the world know that the fight to end polio isn’t over. Join us by hosting an event in your community. Download the toolkit to help you start planning your event. |
Our effort to end polio has been like running a marathon. Right now, we’re approaching the finish line. After three years with Nigeria reporting no new cases of polio caused by the wild virusthe entire WHO African Region could potentially be certified wild poliovirus-free as soon as mid-2020.
When we talk about "cases" we talk about paralyzed children, families affected, people in dramatic situations that often find themselves in conditions of lack of support and help. That is why the commitment is headed, not only in raising funds, but also in keeping awareness alive and fighting skepticism.
But the final part of any journey is often the toughest. So we have to work harder than ever to eliminate the wild poliovirus in Afghanistan and Pakistan — two of the most difficult countries in the world when it comes to delivering health care.
Het wereldwijd bestrijden van het Poliovirus heeft de hoogste prioriteit bij Rotary. Uit de donaties aan onze eigen Rotary Foundation wordt jaarlijks de grootste financiële bijdrage aan End Polio Now gegeven. LEES HIER waarom Rotary volhoudt in de strijd tegen Polio.
End Polio Now is de naam waaronder Rotary samen met de WHO, UNICEF, Center for Disease Prevention, de Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation en vele lokale overheden en vrijwilligers de strijd tegen het Poliovirus voert. BEKIJK HIER de actuele stand van polio gevallen. Rotary & polio : Drop to ZeroThis video shows how Rotarians can get involved in the fight to end polio, and also gives a status update and an overview of Rotary’s role in this historic effort. BEKIJK HIER ook de langere versie (15 min). Why zero mattersInterview met Bill Gates |
Bill Gates discusses the incredible lifesaving power of vaccines. In particular, he highlights the case of polio, which is 99 percent eradicated and within reach of being the second disease to ever be completely eliminated from the world.