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Hoe besluiten van de COL nog zijn tegen te houden

Kun je je nog verzetten tegen een door de COL genomen besluit? Ja dat kan, mits een heleboel anderen het met je eens zijn. Zie hieronder (uittreksel BYLAWS OF ROTARY INTERNATIONAL)

Ons hele district zal niet veel meer dan 150 stemmen vertegenwoordigen, dus je moet qua netwerkvaardigheden van heel goeden huize komen om de drempel van ruim 2600 stemmen te halen. Het verzet tegen het besluit van de COL 2022 om de contributie te verhogen kwam zelfs niet in de buurt...


uittreksel bylaws Rotary International

9.150. Post-Council Proceedings.

9.150.1. Reports.

Within ten days after a council adjourns, the chair shall send a report to the general secretary about the council’s actions. Within two months after a council adjourns, the general secretary shall send a report to each club about all adopted legislation or resolutions. The report shall be accompanied by a form where a club may record its opposition.

9.150.2. Opposition to Council Adoptions.

A club may submit an opposition to any legislation adopted by the council on legislation. Clubs shall have at least two months after the form is sent to submit their opposition. Opposition forms must be certified by the club president and received by the general secretary by the deadline. The general secretary examines and tabulates such forms and publishes the vote totals on Rotary’s website.

9.150.3. Suspension of Council Adoptions.

A council’s adoption of legislation is suspended if oppositions are received from clubs representing at least 5 percent of the votes all clubs are entitled to cast.

9.150.4. Vote by Club Ballot.

Any club may vote on suspended legislation. The general secretary shall distribute ballots to each club within one month after the suspension. The ballot asks whether the council’s adoption of the suspended legislation should be sustained. The number of a club’s votes is determined by the formula in subsection 15.050.1. A ballot must be certified by the club president and received by the general secretary by the deadline on the ballot, allowing clubs at least two months to vote.

9.150.5. Balloting Committee Meeting.

The president appoints a balloting committee and sets a time, place, and manner for ballot counting within two weeks of the ballot deadline. The balloting committee shall report the results to the general secretary within five days after it adjourns.

9.150.6. Results of Balloting.

If a majority of the votes entitled to be cast by clubs rejects the council’s adoption, the adoption is nullified from the date of the suspension. Otherwise, the suspended adoption is reinstated as if no suspension occurred.

9.150.7. Effective Date of Council Adoptions.

A council’s adoption of legislation or resolutions takes effect on 1 July immediately after adjournment of the council, unless suspended by oppositions under subsection 9.150.3

15.050.1. Electors.

Each club shall select and certify at least one elector to its conference and legislation meeting (if held). A club with more than 25 members has one additional elector for each additional 25 members or major fraction thereof. That is, a club with a membership of up to 37 members is entitled to one elector, a club with 38 to 62 members is entitled to two electors, a club with 63 to 87 members is entitled to three electors and so on. Membership is determined by the number of members in the latest club invoice before the vote, except that a suspended club has no vote. Each elector shall be a member of the club. To vote, an elector must be present at the conference or legislation meeting. To participate in any voting by electors at the district conference, a club shall have paid the required district levy for the Rotary year in which the voting is taking place and shall not be indebted to the district. The financial status of the club is determined by the governor