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The RCHI Foundation

The Foundation

The RCHI decided in 2016, two years after its foundation, that it wanted to create a separate legal structure to manage its charity projects. It was felt at the time that such a separate entity would make it easier to implement these projects without interfering with regular RCHI matters.

This separate foundation, the Stichting Community Services Rotaryclub Hilversum International (SCSRHI, RSIN 856332380), has not been used actively since then. But it was felt that the recent decision to organize the Elephant Parade justified a reactivation of this SCSRHI.

The statutes of the foundation have been amended (delinking the composition of the Board of the SCSRHI from the Board of RCHI). They are included in annex 1. A Policy Program was formulated (annex 2), containing the ambitions and the working procedures of the foundation.

The composition of the first Board of SCSRHI is as follows:


Majo Portilla (Chair)


Kees Rade (Secretary)


Maurice Staal (Treasurer)

The Board members do not receive a financial reward for their activities.

Our first project

As mentioned, the first project of the foundation will be the organization of the Elephant Parade in Hilversum.

An ambitious project, that we are setting up together with:


The Elephant Parade organization (https://www.elephantparade.com/)


Nicole’s Blad (https://nicolesblad.nl/)


Majo Portilla Art (https://www.majoportilla.art/)


HelloEvedybody! Hilversum (https://helloeverybody.nl/)

During the parade, from 4 September to 4 October 2024, 25 (almost) real size elephants will be placed in different locations in Hilversum, as part of the Hilversum600 festivities.

Our aim is to mobilize funding for two charity organizations: Elephant Family (https://elephant-family.org) and Philanthropy Connections, founded by Hilversummer Sallo Polak (https://philanthropyconnections.org).

We hope to do so by getting sponsorship for elephants that will be exhibited during the parade, by selling mini elephants, and by organizing all kinds of activities around the parade.

All Rotary members are invited to join us in this exciting adventure, we need all the help we can get. It will be fun, inspiring, and hopefully will mobilize substantial funding for the two charities.