12 febr 2011: Nieuws over ons project in Tsjechië
12 febr 2011: Nieuws over ons project in Tsjechië
Recentelijk is binnen de club de voortgang van ons project in Tsjechië besproken en het is goed om dat nog eens extra onder de aandacht te brengen door middel van plaatsing van de nodige informatie in de nieuwsrubriek. Het was al gepubliceerd onder het kopje “Projecten”.
Van de Avenue International Service
(International Service: één van de vier wegen (avenues), waarlangs Rotary zijn doelstellingen tracht te verwezenlijken. De ontwikkeling van een beter begrip en van verdraagzaamheid tussen alle volkeren in de wereld)
Het Holland House in Brumovice
Update 17 januari 2011
Rotaryclub Noordwijk en omstreken is een samenwerking en vriendschapsbanden aangegaan met de Rotary Clubs Brno en Brno City in Tsjechië. In het plaatsje Brumovice, nog geen 1000 inwoners, 45 kilometer ten zuid-oosten van Brno, zijn een gebouw en grond aangekocht dat ingericht gaat worden om diep autistische volwassenen met een lichamelijke handicap op te nemen. Onze club heeft daar een aanzienlijke financiële bijdrage aan geleverd. De planning is om in ca vier jaar dit tehuis te verbouwen en in te richten om het daarna over te kunnen dragen aan de beherende stichting van de plaatselijke Diakonie.
Onze club heeft projecten in Afrika, India, Nepal en Indonesië ondersteund. Maar in dit geval hebben wij met opzet een project in het buitenland gekozen waarmee we persoonlijke relaties en vriendschappen kunnen opbouwen en het project zelf kunnen volgen. Afvaardigingen van onze club hebben tweemaal Tsjechië bezocht en in 2010 is een Tsjechische groep onze gast geweest in Noordwijk.
Het niveau van sociale voorzieningen in de voormalige Sovjet-landen is niet vergelijkbaar met die in de Westerse democratieën en onze financiële en materiële hulp is daarom in Brumovice hard nodig.
De samenwerking met twee Tsjechische clubs is heel plezierig en de Tsjechen hebben ons verrast door aan te bieden het tehuis Holland House te noemen.
Ook dit jaar bestaat weer het voornemen de Tsjechen te bezoeken om de voortgang te kunnen zien en vast te stellen hoe wij verder kunnen helpen.
Brief van onze Tsjechische Rotaryvrienden over de voortgang:
Brno, January 12, 2011
Dear Friends from RC Club
Noordwijk en omstreken!
Let us greet you most cordially. When writing "Noordwijk", we see the fascinating sea landscape that is likely to be less warm and sunny than during our last visit, but we hope that all of you are doing fine. Today we wish to inform you about the recent development, as regards preparations of the implementation of the New Arkenia Home at Brumovice.
A number of things happened since the last letter to you written by Petr Hejl, director of the Betlem Centre; let us try to make a short review.
The architectural Studio "O dům dál" (that had been entrusted with the preliminary study and the project) has ordered a static study for assessing the existing old structure standing upon the purchased parcel, and namely by an expert of renown, DI Schmid, Ph.D, from the Technical University Brno (by the way, he resigned to any fee). His statement comprised a draft of indispensable technical measures for the static ensuring of the building with view to its prospective future utilisation. When calculating the estimated cost of such option, it was found that the demolition of the existing structure and erecting a new house upon new foundations would be roughly equal, or even less, according to some calculations, than fully restructuring the house that exists. DI Schwarz from Hustopeče, who was in charge of working out an external examination, arrived to results confirming this evaluation
The Betlem Board faced the necessity of a difficult decision, namely how to handle the project in the light of new findings:
a) |
the total cost estimate of the project is going the exceed the original value (6,91 Mil CZK = 269.000 EURO), pushing the qualified estimate of the present day to the level of 9,75 Mil CZK = about 390.000 EURO; |
b) |
the cost a new building after pulling down the existing structure would be roughly the same as reinforcing and refurbishing the existing one; |
c) |
the newly built house can open up the possibility of achieving a much more favourable arrangement for the operation of the Arkenia social service home. |
After long discussions and repeated meetings the Board of the Betlem Centre arrived to the adoption of the substantial decision to pull down the existing structure and to build a new house, as had been suggested by architects and other specialists practically unanimously. This decision was further supported by the fact that the land had been purchased for a good price, without taking into account the value of the building, and even for less than the average bid, considering the location at the centre of the community. We are confident that this was a decision of a good landlord.
The architects of the chosen "O dům dál studio" are now working upon the final design of New Arkenia, making it as modest as feasible, in order to stay within the limits of 390 thousand Euro. We would like to save money for the demolition; that is why we offer to dismantle the building and to take away any utilisable material for free.
As to funding the increased building cost, we will try to apply for subsidy from the Structural EU Funds, making use of the additional call for applications announced by the Regional Operational Programme. This should be declared in the II – III Quart 2011. We feel that a brief confirmation of the international partnership making this project a shared one can very considerably support our application. Please take it as our preliminary information or, better to say, a preliminary request. We would specify the points to be made and suggest the possible wording in the coming months. We wish to make it clear that such Partnership Memorandum would not entail any financial or administrative obligations at the side of RC Noordwijk. A similar support is being arranged by ourselves with our local clubs, i.e. RC Brno-City and RC Brno.
The domestic co-operation has various forms, e.g. the celebration of the 10th anniversary of RC Brno-City comprised a charity sale of objects made by the handicapped of the Betlem Centre and a few collections of high quality wines. This brought a yield of 40.000 Kč intended for funding the New Arkenia project.
The same relates to the traditional sale of Christmas punch. It took place from 17 to 19 December at the cherished shopping centre Vaňkovka. This time it was organized for the fourth time; having brought over 100.000 Kč (that were donated to Diakonia) last year, as we have informed you, and this year´s outcome has not stayed behind, in spite of the worsening economic situation.
Within very short the architectural study should be available. We plan to make you familiar with its electronic form.
The New Year has already begun, but since it is still "newly born", we hope that you may accept our very best wishes – to you and your families - for the remaining over 350 days!
Yours cordially,
MD Kamil Ševela, Associate Professor, PhD Petr Hejl, Dis.
RC Brno-City ČCE Diakony – the Betlem Centre
The nurses and employees at Brumovice are looking forward to the promised Dutch tulip bulbs and wish to make sure that the plants will get their best care. Such examples of Dutch beauty at Brumovice will be highly appreciated.