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2006 quarterly newsletter Apr-Jun

April to June 2006 – Half way there

Dear Friends of Manzini Youth Care,

The six months mark has come around surprisingly quickly and it is a good time to look at what we have achieved at this half way mark, as well as decide what are the key activities and programmes we must put in place by the end of 2006. Below are a few updates since we last wrote to you.

Likusasa Life Skills Centre

We have just received word that we have been awarding part of the required funding for use in purchasing new equipment for our Likusasa Life Skills Center from the Salesian Mission Office in Bonn. To ensure the students receive the best hands on, practical training additional tools, computers, sewing machines and the like are needed, especially given increase in student numbers since the move to the new complex.

We have also had two All Out Volunteers, Alex and Emma, working with the students, delivering first aid courses, with great success. Examinations were held this week with 100% pass rates.


In the past months we have been very sad to see two long term volunteers depart Swaziland. Greg Zillner has been working with the 130 boys in residence, along with house parents and the street research team as the MYC senior social worker. He has shown a dedication and commitment uncommon amongst even the most dedicated volunteer and we are certainly feeling his absence. “Where’s Greg” is a commonly hear question around the office and homes at the moment.

Matthew Austin has also completed his two-year contract as maintenance manager and general jobs man. Matt has shown an uncanny ability to remain calm, collected and rational in even the most trying of situations and his contribution with regards to managing the many construction and maintenance tasks carried out by the organisation has been immense. To both volunteers, thank you so much for all you have contributed, both work wise and with your wonderful presences around the projects.

On a more positive note, the year has already been filled with the arrival of new volunteers. Welcome to the seven students from Edinburgh Global Partnerships as well as the individual recent arrivals Danielle, Connor, Brian, Alex and Emma.

Social Outreach

The Social Outreach programme continues with the official opening and hand over to community of the Moneni Pre-school. The Ticantfwini pre-school/community centre is also nearly at hand over stage(photo on left) and we thank Cordaid/Stop Aids Now and Rotary for their financial contribution towards this building.

We have also begun distributing building materials such as concrete, roofing, windows and doors to the nominated beneficiaries in one of our regular peri-urban communities, Ticancweni. The beneficiary homesteads were selected by rural health motivators and the materials should assist in keeping the homes warm and dry throughout the winter months. The other three communities are in the process of submitting lists and material requirements for beneficiary homesteads in their communities

Edinburgh Global Partnerships

Seven enthusiastic students from University of Edinburgh have arrived with funds and spirit to begin construction of the Likusasa pre-school training centre up at Enjabulweni. The two classroom block will hold the 40-60 underprivileged young children that are receiving free pre-school education at the training centre for pre-school teachers trainees.

MYC Homes

Rennovations are nearly completed in three of our homes, thanks to funds from the Japanese Embassy in Pretoria. Entire roofs and ceilings have been replaced and new bathrooms have been constructed. Patching of cracks, painting, repair of electric and plumbing are just some of the activities being undertaken to get the homes back into reasonable living states. New furniture, mattresses, blankets and curtains will all shortly be purchased to make the homes a true place of refuge. A new education campaign, teaching the boys to take pride in their homes and respect the properties is to happen simultaneously to ensure the rennovations last a significant time into the future.

Our youngest boys, from Sikhunyana, were recently fortunate enough to have a Cadbury’s factory tour arranged for them. Huge amounts of chocolate was eaten, and hopefully a little information about the food manufacturing industry acquired. Thanks to the volunteers for arranging.

Thank you for your continual support, interest and prayer. We always look forward to hearing your news, advice and well wishes. God Bless.

Fr Larry