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2006 quarterly newsletter Oct-Dec

October to December 2006 Review

Dear Friends of Manzini Youth Care,

Belated seasons greetings. We hope you all had a joyous and peaceful Christmas and New Year surrounded by loved ones. Here in Swaziland, as the summer heat encourages long siestas, we use this time to recuperate and reflect on the year that was. Here are some highlights from the past 3 months.

Swazi Ball – Listowel, Ireland

Every year, friends from Listowel, Ireland, hold a very successful ball in aid of the work of the Salesians in Swaziland. This year was no exception. With the presence of Fr Pat Ahern, the focus of the ball’s fundraising efforts, this year’s event was an extreme success with a significant amount of money being passed on to him for the work we undertake here at Manzini Youth Care. Sincere thanks to all those involved in the organisation of this wonderful annual event.

Additionally in September last year the Kerryman’s P&B Association, based in New York also held a fundraising golf day, with raised funds also passed on to the Salesians via Fr Pat. The spirit of Irish altruism appears as strong as ever. A large thanks to all these fine Irish golfers.

Christmas Celebrations with the boys

This year, a generous regular donation from Australia allowed us to take all 120 boys for a Christmas celebration at Mlilwane Nature Reserve. After piling the boys into the fleet of MYC cars, boys and staff spent the day viewing and learning about beautiful African animals, swimming, and most importantly, eating! These Christmas outings are becoming a highlight of the Christmas season for the boys and we are grateful to those who made this trip possible.

Christmas day was another busy day with boys rising early awaiting their visit from the MYC volunteers and Salesians who spent an endless amount of time sorting through and washing second hand clothing to be distributed to all boys, in addition to the goodies bags filled with toiletries, stationery and sweets also funded through our Australian friends. A lovely lunch was provided in each house and all boys once again expressed their gratitude for this special day.

Overseas funder visits

The past few months have been a very busy time hosting various overseas funders here in Manzini. Visits from the English, Japanese, Americans and Germans have allowed us to demonstrate the successful initiatives that their funds have assisted in creating. Our German visitors from the Salesian Mission office in Bonn, brought with them a group of journalists, keen to see the work of the Salesians and the unique Salesian approach to HIV/AIDS and poverty alleviation. Several of these articles have been or are planned to be printed in the German press around this time, hopefully bringing the plight and hope of Swaziland to the German people.


This has been another successful quarter for project funding and donated goods. Over the past few months the Salesian Mission Office USA has sent over two containers of floor tiles to assist in completing several of our new buildings, repairs at Salesian High School, flooring for a new factory, flooring for soon to be built additional houses at Hope House respite centre and other projects. They have also sent over a container full of office and household furniture which are also much needed given the large number of educational facitlities run by MYC.

We have also received funding from the Australian government for funrishings of our Skill Center and funding from Breadline Africa for social outreach work in a squatter community in Manzini. With this money we shall be able to train the community health motivators in first aid, distribute medical supplies, give out emergency food hampers and furnish the informal school facility soon to be operating at the community’s care point.

Finally we received a large grant from the Missionary Development Fund in Ireland for construction of a purpose built factory for our large honey project in addition to other items.


This quarter saw us farewelling several more volunteers at MYC. Special thanks and best wishes go out to Norman Radican, our Hluma project manager, Danielle, Emma, Fabian and the wonderful McFarlane family who’s tireless work at McCorkindale Orphanage and Farm over the past 18 months has set the place up perfectly for sustainability. Thank you all very much.

Thank you for your continual support, interest and prayer. We always look forward to hearing your news, advice and well wishes. God Bless.

Fr Larry