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Rotary proposal Cordaid additional funding

Manzini / Swaziland Project

Proposal outline: Community Centre for Manzini Township

Funded by: Cordaid + Rotary Club Oosterbeek Kabeljauw

Contact: Nico Peek-Rotary Club Oosterbeek-Kabeljauw

Contact in Swaziland Fr Larry McDonnel, Rotary Club Manzini / Manzini Youth Centre

Amount: 4,000 Euro – [after approval by Cordaid, through doubling, 8,000 Euro]

Date: 28 october 2005

Project budget in local currency (total in Euro)




Construction of a community centre within one of the peri-urban communities


€ 8000


E 62,400

€ 8,000

Project Proposal


This proposal is a small project to construct a Community Centre in Tincantfwini Township. The need has been put forward by community leaders who are also involved in the various programmes focused on the peri-urban development, already being undertaken.

Funding, implementing and monitoring agencies


The aim is to raise 4,000 Euros (to be doubled to 8,000 Euros) for s small project specifically identified in the peri urban area, to facilitate initiated and ongoing activities focused on Health, HIV/Aids, education, food etc.


Implementation of this final element of the large social outreach program will continue to be managed through Manzini Youth Care (MYC)


Monitoring will continue to be a joint function between Manzini Youth Care and RC Manzini. Basic reporting requirements will be built into each project in addition to financial accountability, which will be managed through Manzini Youth Care.


Peri Urban Focus

An already implemented project identified 6 focus areas for peri-urban community development as integral to improving living conditions. Solutions require a multipronged approach including the introduction of infrastructure (e.g. bore holes, pit latrines, pre-schools), training programs (e.g home based care, trench vegetable production, life skills) and intervention strategies (e.g. food distribution, school fee assistance). Meeting these basic needs will in turn strengthen the community’s ability to develop their own resources.

Community Centre

Concrete approach


Design and build a community centre that can be used to serve as a meeting centre, medical dispensary centre, safe area for children, quasi neighborhood care point, storage facility, resource center.


This project fits very well with the aims of the broader peri urban development programme. In fact it facilitates and optimalizes the inputs delivered through the programme. The Community Centre has been identified as a special need by the community and so they have put forward this special request for the provision of a central focal meeting point within one of these communities.



Consult with selected community on final purpose and design of centre.


Meet with architect to plan centre


Obtain approval for use of identified land


Plan/identify services to be available at centre


Construct centre


Purchase furnishings

Expected results


A place where community members can meet to discuss issues


A secure storage facility for food, equipment, important papers, medicines, other resources


Build community spirit by having a social central focus point for the community

What will be done with the money


Build community centre


Furnish centre

Special attention to AIDS orphans, street children


The community centre will mimic a current rural initiative call neighborhood care points. The idea is that those most vulnerable children can spend time at this central point and community members can oversee their development and care.


Funder Contribution

Building materials E62,400

Sub total E62,400

Local Contribution

Architectural design of centre

Professional supervision of construction

50% of materials for construction

50% of furnishings

All labour costsuse of some volunteer labour

Sub total E62,400

Grand total E 124,800