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Since about 13 years RC IJmond and 5 other clubs in the region through the regional water & education committee have done numerous water projects in cooperation with RC Machakos, Kenya. These projects included the building of two dams and the installation of 100+ water tanks, including concrete slabs, pipes and gutters, 15+ toilet blocks and 15+ hand washing units at 21 primary schools. All on the condition that maintenance is assured; only at one water reservoir this has declined in the last years.

The beneficiaries of the water reservoirs behind the two dams are 10,000+ persons and 7,000+ cattle (cows, goats). Furthermore many acres of fertile ground are now being irrigated.

The installations of tanks, toilet blocks and hand washing units make it possible for yearly 7,000 pupils to attend more classes (not anymore necessary to collect water) with increasing better study results and improvement of health (less diarrhoea, cholera, etc.)

During those years a total of € 350,000 has been invested in these projects. These funds were collected not only by RC’s Beverwijk, Heemskerk-Uitgeest, IJmond, Santpoort, Santpoort-Brederode and Velsen but also with help from outside sources like NGO’s, Dutch schools, municipalities. Six times Global Grants (previously Matching Grants) were approved and executed according to the rules as set forth by The Rotary Foundation.

Regular visits from Dutch Rotarians have definitely contributed to the success of the projects. During the years intensive friendships have so developed.


After consultations between the Dutch clubs and RC Machakos it was decided in 2015 to take another course: financing of secondary education. Successful pupils from “our” primary schools being Aids-orphans or coming from very poor one-parent families are given the opportunity to learn a trade: i.e. carpenter, hairdresser, seamstress, driver, plumber. In Machakos Mumbuni College was found to accommodate these children. The costs of a course of 6 months is approximate $ 250. A pilot comprising of 40 pupils ended in July 2016 successfully: 38 received their certificate and have all up to now a job. Members of RC Machakos are coaching the pupils and are having intensive contacts with Mumbuni College. Consequently a new project was started through a Global Grant of $ 35,000. This project (130 pupils in 3 tranches) is now running very well and will end in July 2018.


It is worthwhile to continue the secondary education project. However RC Machakos would be happy if also some funds would be made available for the installation of water tanks with accessories at some specific primary schools. The regional education & water committee has proposed to the relative clubs to initiate for these dual purposes a new global grant. The goal is to collect $ 35,000 to 40,000. In order to achieve this a fundraising project has been proposed: Cycling for Education & Water. Pupils of HAVO, VWO, Maritiem College, sponsored by parents, friends, etc. will make many rounds on a cycle race-track. The planning is to execute these cycling project in May 2018. Expected proceeds for this trial: € 2,000. If successful we intend to make this a yearly event with increasing results.. Four Rotary Clubs in the region have already set aside € 7,000. Further donations from other clubs and a donation from TRF district 1580 will make a global grant a real possibility. Our goal is to have this GG approved in August 2018 so that execution can start in September 2018.

November 2017.