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Artikel 5

Summer Holiday Exchange Programma.

ook in de winter

Afgelopen zomervakantie vlogen 40 deelnemers uit naar alle windrichtingen, Argentinië (6), Brazilië (8), Canada (7), Japan (3), Mexico (2), Taiwan (5), V.S (8). en Rep. Zuid Afrika (1).

Hun uitzending varieerden van 3 weken tot 7 weken. Een reactie hoe zij e.e.a. ervaren hebben kun je tref je hierbij aan.

De ontvangst van exchange studenten afkomstig van het zuidelijk halfrond vindt plaats in december/januari (zij hebben dan hun zomervakantie) en duurt 6 à 7 weken. Voor enkelen van hen willen wij op korte termijn nog een match met een enthousiaste deelneem(st)er uit ons land maken. Wie onze kandidaten zijn: klik op de rechterkolom onder Aandacht voor, onder “Voor direct gezocht…”. Potentiële deelnemers kunnen zich opgeven d.m.v. het formulier dat je onder “Formulieren en Publicaties”aan treft. De medewerking van een sponsor-Rotary Club uit jouw regio is wel vereist. Je kunt je voor zomer 2010 opgeven tot uiterlijk eind januari a.s. Deelname aan dit ‘Family to Family’-programma staat open voor alle jongens en meisjes uit het voortgezet onderwijs in de leeftijd 16 t/m 18/19 jaar.

Wil je een van deze kandidaat deelnemers uit Argentinië of Brazilië ontvangen, neem dan direct contact op met Rtn. Theo Alberts 043 4501420, email: step.rotary@home.nl en hij vertelt je wat de mogelijkheden (nog) zijn en is je desnoods behulpzaam bij het zoeken van een sponsor Rotary Club.

Op zondagmiddag 1 november vindt voor deze gastgezinnen in Hotel Figi te Zeist een ‘ontvangst’-bijeenkomst plaats.

Lilia Hendrikse met haar gastgezin in Cordoba, Argentinië

Lilia Hendrikse met haar gastgezin in Cordoba, Argentinië

Lilia Hendrikse bezocht Cordoba in Argentinië:

I had a wonder full time and I was so lucky to stay in such a beautiful family. I am going to miss them and I cannot wait to come back to Argentina.

Wij zijn eigenlijk allemaal erg tevreden over hoe het is verlopen. Ik zou niks anders gewild hebben

Liset Geijselaers bezocht Bauru (Saulo Paulo) in Brazilië:

I really liked my stay in Brazil. My host family was very nice. The things we did where a lot of fun and there was always someone able to drive us to the places we wanted to go. I like to thank them for the wonderful time I had there.

Valérie Hoekstra bezocht Tulsa, Oklahoma in de Verenigde Staten:

I had a wonderful time with my guest family. They made me feel really at home and they took good care of me. We got along very well and we didn’t have any problems.

Tobias ten Haaf bezocht Morelia in Mexico

Okay, First off all, my family was very kind, and they were so nice to me. They treated me like one of them own, and that was very nice to know. They showed me almost all of Mexico, and that was a very good culture trip. Then you can realize where the people come from and what their back grounds are. The family in Mexico is still a family for me now. Every day I have contact with Itzel and her family. In 2 months I go back to Mexico. (Christmas) and Itzii comes back in the summer holidays, to Holland and then together to Italy. So again, my experience in Mexico was the best of my life until now. And I’m very thankful for it. to had the opportunity for it. And the opportunity to meet Itzel.

Anouk Geenen bezocht Taipei in Taiwan

I loved my host family’s! They are the most amazing people I’ve ever met! I think I was so lucky to stay at their house. They really took good care of me. First, I had some difficulties because I couldn’t stay at Abigail’s house. But now I think it was the best that could ever happen to me. Because this way, I met 2 amazing families! Both took good care of me and were amazingly nice. I love and miss them both.

Anouk op school in Taipei

Anouk op school in Taipei

Saïra de Ruiter bezocht Kaapstad in Rep. Zuid Afrika

I had a really nice stay with the family Jones. From my South-African father I learnt a lot about the apartheid, that was interesting because my forefathers fucked up the country as neighbour told me. It was a shame that it didn’t worked out that well between Roxi and me, but not everything can be perfect and maybe it’s better when she is in Holland. I had a fantastic time in South-Africa and I am definitely going back to visit my new family.

Merel Huysse bezocht Estevan in Canada

My stay in Estevan, Canada was marvellous and I have to admit that it was meanly because of my loving host-family. Those people excepted me from the beginning and we banded in a very special way. I know that I’ll always be welcome in their home, just like Ashley is in mine. They gave me a life experience and I will remember there kindness for many years from now.

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

Annik Bruinsma bezocht Sennan City, Osaka in Japan

My stay at the Yoshida family in Japan showed me many differences to my own culture. The family took care of me like I was their own child. I joined all their Japanese rituals like: going in bath every day, eating with chopsticks, sleeping on the ground, and the gargling every time you come home. I was really pleased that they arranged for me that I didn’t have to eat fish (because I’m allergic).

I was very happy that they showed me so much of their own culture by making me a part of the family, and that they took me to special and interesting places to visit. I will never forget my time in Japan, and I’m very thankful that I could have this experience.

Theo Alberts, aanmeldingen en coördinator SHEP