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Read me

Be the ambassador

The following will explain briefly what we in District 1550-1610 expect of the students, both, incoming and outgoing, who are participating in the youth exchange program between these and other Rotary Districts on the globe. 

We want to spell out the way in which we want you to participate in this program. This in order that you and everyone else involved in the exchange program, can be proud of this attempt of increasing world understanding between people of good will.

Throughout the year, you must remember that the future of this program depends on your conduct; the impression you make.  All the things that we will stress here are very important to you during the whole of your next year. If you do not obey the rules for which you signed (see your aplication form), or if you do not make a sincere effort to accomplish the purposes of our program, you run the risk of getting an early-return because your hosts will not accept you as the ambassador of your age from your country. Your behavior is of the utmost importance to your sponsors who have their faith placed in you, as well as to your hosting Rotary Club with whom you will live for this year. Also, to your own parents and your own country whom you are representing in the fulliest possible way and lastly, the most important, to yourself, because you are accountable for the way in which you behave yourself.  

Not a Holiday

In the first instance you must get rid of any idea that the year will be a glorified holiday. You will indeed have a wonderful and interesting time, but never forget you are on a ambassadorial mission, not on an overseas holiday! 

Accept Advice and Adapt

You should accept and follow advice willingly from all those connected with your exchange, whether it be from us here or from your Rotary contacts abroad. You are expected to cooperate with your hostfamily in every respect and you must seek advice on any problem from your counsellor. (S)he will be your ultimate confidant.  

You should become a native of your hostcountry and you should  follow its customs. Live with your hostfamily as a full member of that family in every way, consider them as your parents and brothers and sisters and participate in all aspects of your family's life; e.g. making beds, cleaning your room, moving the lawn, going to the church, irrespective of what you are accustomed to do in your home country.  

Please, remember that your hostfamily is not your servant, any more, than you are to be regarded as theirs.  


You will attend to your school-program and you will work for the best achievement possible. The Districts 1550-1610 are very keen on this, for without cooperation from school and other authorities, the program cannot exist. Appropriate arrangements will always be made for special leave to attend Rotary approved functions or trips. 

Rotary events

You will always attend the Rotary functions to which you are invited, putting aside without question any conflicting plans that you may have made. To avoid conflicts here, keep your family and your counsellor well advised of your wishes and plans with sufficient anticipation.  

Be prepared

Between now and the time you leave, be sure to follow and understand all current events. Have a speaking knowledge of the trouble spots in your homecountry and of your country's policies. Take with you a prepared program including slides of your local area, school, town, family and such items of local interest, to use in presentations, if requested. You should adapt your presentation to the group you are speaking to. Ask help from your host parents or counselor when you are not sure.

Bring your National or Traditional Costume and your music instruments if you have. You might brush up your knowledge of traditional songs and stories.


You will never drive any form of motorvehicle during your year. The insurance does not cover if anything might happen!  Smoking is discouraged. You are expected to abide your host family's rules which may not allow smoking in the home.  Under no circumstances are you to form any serious romantic attachments. If you are told by your hostfamily or your counsellor to find other friends, you will do so without questions.

Absolutely NO DRUGS will be used except for medical reasons and as prescribed by a physician. Tell your hostparents what you have to use. Drinking: please talk with your hostparents and counselor about local customs.

In any case, never join in what you have learned to consider as "not done" and ask for what is "not done" in your hostcommunity.


During the Rotary-year you are generally not allowed to travel on your own. If anyone is inviting you to join on a trip, you need the permission of your host family or your counsellor.  

Parents on the spot?

We strongly discourage your parents or other relatives visiting you during the exchange-year. We love to see them at the end of the year.  This advice is valid for most districts in the world, but may be discussed when necessary, with your counselor and host family.

Emergency Fund and Safe deposit

Ensure you have an amount of US $500,- with you for emergency use. This should be deposited in a bank under co-signing of your counselor and the amount should be replenished when you use money from this account. 

Also ensure that your passport, airticket and other travel-papers are in a Safe with your host parents or counselor.  

You will return within one year from your departure, and you will have to arrange your flight scheme no later than three months before your return; making then good use of the offices of your counsellor, seek his advice and aid.   


Remember: Smile! And for every bit you take, if you do not give of yourself twice as much in return you could be, and possible will be a very lonely and unhappy exchange-student!  Always remember: it is a two way street. 

In case of difficulties


1st Talk and talk and talk with your counselor/YEO in host district,

2nd call or mail your Districts YEO in home country. Do not bother your parents!

Contacts with home and friends

Do not use the telephone when you feel unhappy, think it over and write it down.

-write your parents at least once a week. 

-put all your friends including your sponsorclub and your Districts Youth Exchange Officer in the mailing list of your emails.

Take with you

You should make it a point to do the following: 

keep a diary, glue your photographs in a book, put notes to your pictures.

It will be hard to remember the whereabouts without your notes.

We wish you good luck, good health and a happy year in association with Rotary International.

Rotary Youth Exchange – The Netherlands


1. Adapt or fail.

2. Ask or be ignorant.

3. Smile every chance you get.

4. Be lively and active.

5. Give 100 % of yourself and expect nothing in return.

6. Be punctual.

7. Be considerate of your hosts.

8. Maintain a neat appearance and keep your surroundings orderly.

9. Plan ahead.

10. Strive to earn the respect of others.

Remember the 4 DS

No drugs

No driving

No drinking

No dating


If you have a problem ask for help

The moment you leave the protection of your natural parents, someone else is legally and morally responsible for you, someone in general called “Rotary”.

If you ask for help and don’t get the answer that you want to hear, remember that “Rotary” is not trying to be deliberately unkind. “Rotary” is responsible for you and takes that responsibility seriously.

“Rotary” says “no” because they see a problem or a risk in your request.


Respect and obey the rules of your hosts


If you break the rules, you will be sent home.